A place for the kids and adults of KFC to share their thoughts, pictures, ideas and all sorts of stuff throughout Advent.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Advent Day 7

The Winter's have been thinking about how we celebrate Christmas whilst many around us seem to be celebrating Xmas. Whilst traveling around over the past couple of weeks, the children have been asking about the decorations which are up round the city. Questions like, “What have penguins, snowmen and polar bears got to do with Jesus?”. Leeds lights are called simply that, ‘Leeds Lights’ not Christmas lights, or anything to do with it. There is such an effort by commerce to distract us entirely from thinking about the incredible underserved gift to us all of a baby who was born to die, who demands a response to whom He is and what He said. He is counter culture, dangerous and subversive, but if we leave Him in the manger, totally harmless, soft and marshmallowy!

There is a real challenge to keep the main thing the main thing at this time of year. We have chosen to follow a King who is truly worth serving. I’ve uploaded an mp3 file to my website for you to listen to, some of you may have heard this before, but it is well worth listening again so that we can remind ourselves who this king is that we serve.


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